This project is to design a shelter for domestic violence victims, mainly for women and children in Hong Kong. This project is partnered with Hong Kong Po Leung Kuk and the address of this site is confidential to protect people who are living there.
The shelter aims to provide a safe, private and healing environment for abused people whole empowering them and giving them the confidence to overcome difficulties in their future life.
Client Po Leung Kuk
Area 600m²
Category Shelter for women & children
Location Hong Kong
Instructed by Hong Kong Design Institute

1. Security
To provide a space that people can feel safe and secure, both physically and mentally - focusing on providing options for habitats and allowing them to choose what they prefer.
2. Privacy
Allow them to have their own space to express emotion and stay alone. Intimate spaces, such as rooms and smaller corners are created for a private conversation.
3. Healing
To create a space that makes people feel calm and relaxed by getting rid of unnecessary decoration and using natural color tones.
4. Empower
Design space that allows inhabitants to have social interaction. By telling others their stories and receiving help from people who encounter similar situations, victims can recover and gain courage easily.
Inspired by the ritual symbol “Mandala” and aim to create a space that brings people who are suffering into one of joy and happiness.
In Hinduism and Buddhism, the belief is entering the mandala and towards its center, you transforming the universe from one of suffering into one of joy and happiness.
Suffering (Surrounding space) -> Happiness (Central space)
Source:Wikimedia commons
Symmetric layout and loop circulation indicate balance and cyclical of life.
Different entrances to allow people to walk freely in and out of the space. Freedom and openness for wisdom and clarity.
Plenty of sunlight to bring in energy and hope to habitants.
Tree and plants in the indoor gardens which bring security and blessing from the nature
Shared Kitchen & Dining area
Event Space
Consulting Room
Office & Meeting Room
Share Kitchen & Dining area
Shared Bedrooms & Bathroom
Family Rooms
Laundry Room
Share Kitchen & Dining area
Shared Bedrooms & Bathroom
Male’s Shared Bedroom
Private Bedrooms
Laundry Room